HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET ... secrets revealed

Peter Okolie
A very good friend of mine who happens to be an outstanding business man would say, “The only time it is okay to be in the middle is when you are a middle man”. I have done business as a middle man and I can say that this saying is true. To make money especially online you don’t need to have what you sell. All you need is a good knowledge of the market, what people need and how to get it at a “sensible” price.
I do a lot of selling online; recently I sold a laptop for #120,000.No big deal right? After all, this is the usual price for a laptop of that type. The big thing was that I didn’t even see the laptop physically. I was surfing the internet and I saw this offer the laptop was going for $439 that is just about #57070 after clearing and every other thing I spent a total of #80,000.  Interestingly I paid for the laptop with the money that my client paid for the laptop. All I needed was information and when I got the information I acted on it and made #40,000 in a single transaction.

No more stories, how do you begin to make money online?  Make a research about what people would like. If you sell Umbrellas during the dry season, you would fail extremely. Start to talk to people; most likely during a conversation you would have an idea that would solve problems. Sell things that you are interested in and have knowledge about. Enough has been said so far. Now let me introduce you to my favorite online business, sales of information products.

Information Products
What are information products? They are simply products that give information. Usually, it comes in the form of a book (an e-book). It is a research result usually stored as a word document or an adobe document. A person involved in this business is called an infopreneur. This therefore implies that if I take this article that you are reading right now and place it on the internet I have become an infopreneur.

E-books are becoming more and more popular online. You can find an e-book on just about any topic, from taking care of your pets all the way to making money online. If you can think of a subject, it is almost certain that there is an e-book on the topic.
How do you begin? Don’t forget the first step- configure your mind. The next thing to do is to plan. Go around, look out for the type of information that people need and are willing to pay for. Stop; Look at the preceding sentence again. You would observe that I said that you should look for what people need and are willing to pay for.  You won’t be in business if you have stuffs that people need but are not willing to pay for. Probably you would be a non-profit organization.
When I started out on the internet, I discovered that I needed a US Bank account so that I could receive my payments from online businesses. I searched for long about how to open a US bank account. I tried some a while but later I found out that some people offered this information on sale mostly in dollars. I bought the information and after using it. I discovered that I could also resell this same information. Since the information is needed and people are willing to pay for it, I was in business. I had the advantage that, I offered payment in naira and in the e-gold payment method. This is from my personal experience; let’s see other examples.
In an academic environment, you might discover that, people around you are interested in information about scholarship opportunities. The next thing is to carry out a research to see if people will be willing to pay for this information. If your answer is yes in both cases then you are in business. Search for this information, compile your findings and package them well. The next thing is to advertise this information. Much later we would talk about using an auto responder, preparing a mailing list and yes how to get the fat cash.
However, I don’t think I have mentioned that you can get resell rights for materials. There are many locations on the internet where you can get free e-books and of course you could sell them at a price. Feel free to get e-books at By now we have laid the foundations and I am ready to move a little bit faster. Let’s talk about auto responder.
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Culled from XPRESSIONZ magazine 4th edition (2008)

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